Yuva Sadan believes in empowering people from the grass-roots. Villages are basic foundation of the Indian society. By empowering Gram Sabha and Panchayati Raj institutions we want to spread awareness about rights and duties of the Panchayti Raj institutions to the common Villagers. This will act as a check and balance in functioning of the Panchayati Raj institutions and also the bureaucratic machinery.


The 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment, shaped the existence of local self-government and gave powers in the hands of the Panchayat or the Village and Municipal council to take charge of their own affairs. The Panchayati Raj institutions thus got Constitutional authority and sanctions as guaranteed by the Parliament.


Panchayati Raj institutions are important pillars in shaping the policy for the villages. Through an empowered group of individuals, we can develop a strong Panchayati Raj system. To have good coordination with the state bureaucracy and the elected representatives it is necessary to have empowered and people centric village institutions.


Keeping in view the aforementioned objective Yuva Sadan has developed a model course for the elected representatives, the villagers and students interested in the subject matter to make them aware of the Panchayati Raj system and its functioning. The maximum duration of the course is 3 months which is specifically designed for the elected representatives to know in depth about the Panchayati Raj, it’s evolution, powers of elected representatives, government schemes and funding provisions, etc. We also plan to have training programs and workshops for both elected representatives and the villagers to boost their knowledge and make them aware of their rights, duties, functions and responsibilities. Through our Panchayati Raj initiative we plan to make the villagers aware and villages self-sustainable.