

-By Arpit Agrawal : An ex parte decree is a decree passed in the absence of the defendant (in absenti). When the

By Akash Pandey : Every government in India came into power on a plank of corruption. Corruption is a problem that affects

By Arpit Agrawal : The Constitution of India is not the free gift of the British Parliament. It is the end product

By Akash Pandey : Article 244 (A) has although granted statehood to, Meghalaya, the tribals of Assam are still trying to converge.


-By Akash Pandey : Child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood,

-By Akash Pandey : Life of little ones are Destroyed When child labour is Employed Child labour refers to the exploitation of

-By Akash Pandey : In January , a group of BJP legislators from Assam ,plus BJP MP Horen Sing Bey who represents

Domestic Violence

By Arpit Agrawal : Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behaviour in any relationship that is used to gain

Law and Social Norms

By Akash Pandey : There is a relationship between the law and social norms.  “Law” can be simply defined as rules that

By Arpit Agrawal : Structures of Governments The present structures of governments can be distinguished into three major structures. The most prevalent

By Arpit Agrawal : In the last decade we have witnessed rapid growth of media influence in the process of access to

By Akash Pandey : Ratio Decidendi The meaning of ratio decidendi is Latin for “the reason,” or “the foundation for” a decision. For example, ratio


By Arpit Agrawal : The history of labour struggle is nothing but a continuous demand for a fair return to labour expressed

By Akash Pandey : Every government in India came into power on a plank of corruption. Corruption is a problem that affects