Community Guideline

Abhivyakti is a free blog service for the expression of thoughts and free flow of information. We believe it enriches the public discourse and encourages debate.

However, in order to uphold values, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service without legal consequences. Therefore, there are certain boundaries on the type of content that can be hosted with Abhivyakti. The boundaries we’ve defined are those that enhance the service as a whole.


Our community guidelines play an important role in keeping the Abhivyakti an open platform. We may update our policies from time to time. Note that strict adherence to all policy is required at the time of the submission of any article. These guidelines will also be applicable if any person intends to comment on or share an article.

Adult Content: We do not allow adult content on Abhivyakti, including any images, GIFs, sexual content, videos, and anything related to it which contains nudity or sexual activity that depicts or encourages rape, incest, bestiality, or necrophilia. If your blog contains any of these, we will remove that blog.

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: Do not upload, write, comment, or distribute any content that exploits or abuses children. This includes all child sexual abuse materials. We will remove such content and take appropriate legal action, and disable the blog. If you believe a child is in danger of or has been subject to abuse, exploitation, or trafficking, contact the police immediately.

Dangerous and Illegal Activities: Do not use Abhivyakti to engage in illegal activities or to promote activities, goods, services, or information that cause serious and immediate harm to any people or animals. While we permit general information for educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic purposes about this content, we draw the line when the content directly facilitates harm or encourages illegal activity. We will take appropriate action if we are notified of unlawful activities, which may include reporting you to the relevant authorities.

Harassment, Bullying, and Threats: Do not harass, bully, or threaten others. We will not allow Abhivyakti to be used to engage or incite others in such activities. This includes singling someone out for malicious abuse, threatening someone with serious harm, sexualizing someone in an unwanted way, exposing the private information of someone else that could be used to carry out threats, disparaging or belittling targets of violence or tragedy, inciting others to carry out these activities, or harassing someone in other ways. Keep in mind that online harassment is illegal and can have serious offline consequences for both the harasser and the target. We may take appropriate action if we are notified of threats of harm or other dangerous situations, which may include reporting you to the relevant authorities.

Hate Speech: Do not engage in hate speech. Hate speech is content that promotes or condones violence against or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.

Impersonation and Misrepresentation of Identity: Do not impersonate a person or organization or misrepresent anyone. This includes impersonating and misrepresenting any person, any organization, Yuva Sadan, Mission Blue Foundation, any political or non-political group you don’t represent or providing misleading information about a user/site’s identity, qualifications, ownership, purpose, products, services, or business.

We do allow the use of pseudonyms or pen names — just avoid content that is likely to mislead the audience about your true identity.

Malware and Similar Malicious Content: Do not transmit malware or any content that harms or interferes with the operation of the networks, servers, end-user devices, or other infrastructure. This includes the direct hosting, embedding, or transmission of malware, viruses, destructive code, or other harmful or unwanted software or similar content. This also includes content that transmits viruses, causes pop-ups, attempts to install software without the user’s consent, or otherwise impacts users with malicious code.

Misleading Content: Do not distribute content that deceives, misleads, or confuses users. This includes:

  1. Misleading content related to civic and democratic processes: content that is demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in civic or democratic processes. This includes information that contradicts official government records. It also includes incorrect claims that a political figure or government official has died, been involved in an accident, or is suffering from a sudden serious illness.
  2. Misleading content related to harmful health practices: misleading health or medical content that promotes or encourages others to engage in practices that may lead to serious physical or emotional harm to individuals, or serious public health harm.
  3. Manipulated media: media that has been technically manipulated or doctored in a way that misleads users and may pose a serious risk of egregious harm.
  4. Misleading content may be allowed in an educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic context, but please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand this context. In some cases, no amount of context will allow this content to remain on our platforms.

Personal Information: Do not distribute other people’s personal information without authorization. This includes sensitive information, such as army information, arm force Security numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, images of signatures, personal attacks and personal health documents. In most cases where this information is broadly available elsewhere on the internet or in public records, like national ID numbers listed on a government website.

Phishing: Do not use Abhivyakti for phishing. This includes soliciting or collecting sensitive data such as passwords, financial details, and social security numbers.

Regulated Goods and Services: Do not sell, advertise, or facilitate the sale of regulated goods and services. Regulated goods and services include alcohol, gambling, pharmaceuticals, unapproved supplements, tobacco, fireworks, weapons, or health/medical devices.

Spam: Do not spam. This may include unwanted promotional or commercial content, unwanted content that is created by an automated program, unwanted repetitive content, nonsensical content, or anything that appears to be a mass solicitation.

Terrorist Activities: Terrorist organizations are not permitted to use Abhivyakti for any purpose, including recruitment. We’ll also take action against the user for content related to terrorism, such as promoting terrorist acts, inciting violence, or celebrating terrorist attacks. If storing or distributing content related to terrorism for an educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic purpose be mindful to provide enough information so viewers understand the context.

Violence and Gore: Do not distribute violent or gory content involving real-life people or animals that are primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous. This includes ultra-graphic material, such as dismemberment or close-up footage of mutilated corpses, and graphic material, such as content containing significant amounts of blood. Content may be allowed in an educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic context, but please be mindful to provide enough information to help people understand the context. In some cases, content may be so violent or shocking that no amount of context will allow that content to remain on our platforms. Lastly, don’t encourage others to commit specific acts of violence.

Copyright: All content should be original and in your own words. The blog should be original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere, but up to 10% plagiarism can be allowed. All rights are reserved to Abhivyakti.    

NOTE: All blogs submitted by registered users will be reviewed by a member of the moderation team, who will approve only those blogs that are in accordance with these community guidelines and in the interest of Yuva Sadan. Thus, blogs that violate the guidelines and interests will not be approved to appear on the site. Comments will also be post-moderated to ensure that all posted comments follow guidelines, and any comment that violates the guidelines and interests will be removed without warning. The moderation team and Yuva Sadan Chairman reserves the right to accept any and all content and remove any comment that violates the community guidelines or goes against the interest of Yuva Sadan.